IF YOU ARE A NEW STUDENT CREATING A PROFILE: In order to self-register online, you must provide an email address unique to you, not shared by another Fee-based student with an account on this site. The system will use your email address as your username. Please note password character lengths. Be sure to complete all the information possible; fields with red asterisk are required information. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen when you are done.
IF YOU ARE EDITING/UPDATING YOUR PROFILE: Enter the updated information in the appropriate box. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen when you are done.
Changes to your profile information in this web site have not been submitted to Colleague.
Please contact the HR department to ensure your official records are updated.
Would you like your name changed on all your class records?
Please click on 'All Records' to update your name on all records and 'Profile Only' to update only your student profile.
Would you like your profile information changed on your class records?
Please click on 'All Records' to update your profile information on all class records and 'Profile Only' to update only your student profile.